Inaugural Post
At the time of writing, I'm finally done styling this blog situation the way I wanted to, I have a couple posts about old projects written up, and I'm about ready to put this site online.
Why Website
With the imminent death of Cohost, and Twitter's shambling corpse stumbling towards an uncertain fate, it's become even harder to ignore that no postsite is forever.
I figured it was as good a time as any to get a personal website up. I like to say that I'm free of the poster's curse[1], but at the end of the day, it's useful to have a spot online to share information through and post art on, and stuff of that nature[2]. You can make sure you're notified of any new posts & site updates through the RSS feed.
What Website
- All I usually really feel like posting about publicly like this are personal projects, or helpful tools I want to spread word of, so that's what I'll be doing in this blog section.
- Eventually, I'd like to have a place on here to put visual art. It's been tough finding a good solution for that[3], so I've decided to put up this blog portion first rather than delay it however long.
- Same for music.
- Lastly, it's universally useful to have some links to other web presences, so I put those on the front page, although that page is just a pretty barebones placeholder for now.
Posts you can read RIGHT NOW LIKE RIGHT NOW
Check out the archive or the list of tags and see if anything catches your eye!
Also this one is pretty neat, I think.
More to come, and stuff (see the List of TODOs), but I'd really like to focus on figuring out the visual art gallery part of the website first.
How Website. What's Under the Hood
The front page is plain handwritten HTML and CSS.
This blog portion of the site uses the static site generator Eleventy, with the eleventy-base-blog template and a heaping helping of markdown parser plugins. It's probably overkill for most people who just want a simple personal website, but I wanted to
- be able to quickly write posts in markdown, with extra features like footnotes and stuff, and
- offer an RSS feed that gets updated automatically for each new post, without me having to do that manually.
There's a bunch of stuff that isn't in the base blog template, like these clickable spoiler tags I added in myself, or these
Github-style decorated blockquotes from a plugin,
but aside from minor stuff like that, it's mostly just been a lot of CSS styling work.
If you have any questions about the technical aspects at play here - like if you want to set up something like this yourself - feel free to DM or email me about it!
I'm still figuring out a good solution for gallery stuff. Once I've settled on something I feel comfortable using and/or recommending to others, I'll post about it here.
A blatant lie. None of us are truly free. Come on. ↩︎
Y'know, without having to worry that the website owner will suddenly update their privacy policy to demand your firstborn, or permanently delete your account without warning for the high crime of sharing an image that some automod software decided contains too much skin colour. Or a female-presenting ankle, or whatever. ↩︎
At least, it's been tough finding a solution that works for a static website, like neocities (which most of my friends are using), nekoweb, or the static hosting plan on Porkbun I'm on at the time of writing. Without that restriction, I'd choose persephone in a heartbeat. I mean, as an example of persephone in use, look at this gallery site (assuming you're of age). Super solid tagging system, RSS feed, random image button, login-free viewer preferences including a tag blacklist… it's basically completely perfect. ↩︎