Markdown & Styling Test Post
This blog uses the Eleventy Static Site Generator with the eleventy-base-blog template, because I wanted to be able to write all the posts in markdown & have them automatically turned into HTML.
(Though truth be told, the main reason was that this template also generates an RSS feed for all posts on its own; I really didn't want to have to deal with the trouble of doing that myself...)
I'm using this post as a playground to test out a bunch of stuff related to the markdown parser, and make sure all the CSS for this blog works exactly the way I want it to. And to remind myself of the syntax every now and again.
Feel free to pilfer as many of these stylings as you feel like for your own site! I'm actually really happy with how the tables turned out
Here's a horizontal separator:
Headline 1
Headline 2
Headline 3
Headline 4
Headline 5
Headline 6
There's no headlines 7 or onward in markdown.
Basic Stuff
Here's a link I guess
Some italic and bold and italic and bold text here,
and some strikethrough text here,
and some bold AND italic text right over there.
And some subscript? Some superscript?
- one
- two
- three
Emoji font test 👍🎉✨
- One
- Two
- Three
a. one b. two
a) eins b) zwei
- I can
- Nest this list
- Just like this
- Or like that
- And un-nest it
- just as easy.
- and here's a
- numbered list
- with a normal list
- nested inside it
- and back to the numbers
- and how about
- one more layer in here
- and another one in there
- alrighty that'll do
- one more layer in here
- and how about
- Does this markdown parser
- Support checklists?
Don't look now but here's a spoiler! And Here's a really really long spoiler that has a linebreak in it, probably. It can be important to be really, truly sure it still looks good when it's styled like this... but maybe I should just be using a dropdown for loooong spoilers like that? Not the short tiny one? It'd make more sense that way, I think. Not much point in taking up this much space elsewise...
And here's a code tag
And Here's a really really long code tag that has a linebreak in it, probably. It can be important to be really, truly sure it still looks good when it's styled like this... but maybe I should just be using proper linebreaks and a multiline code block for loooong bits of code like that? Not the short tiny one? It'd make more sense that way, I think. Not much point in making it this hard to read elsewise...
Here's some inline code ABCgfphl_+?
Here's more inline code ABCgfphl_+?
too, to check if the vertical spacing is alright.
And here are some keystrokes: Ctrl+Alt+Del.
Heading with a link
Code blocks with the language specified:
// this is a command
function myCommand() {
+ let counter = 0;
- let counter = 1;
// Test with a line break above this line.
Language not specified:
// this is a command
function myCommand() {
let counter = 0;
// Test with a line break above this line.
Language specified as plaintext:
// this is a command
function myCommand() {
let counter = 0;
// Test with a line break above this line.
And a basic named/labelled code block:
console.log("Hello World!")
Here's | A little | Table |
With | Some | cont- |
ent. |
And here's a reeeeally long table, with the spell list from some MUD or other as example data:
Spell | Groups | Description |
magic missile | combat | send a weak energy bolt into a foe |
cause light | harmful | inflicts minor wounds on an enemy |
cure light | healing | heals minor wounds |
armor | protective | provides the target with an extra layer of defense |
chill touch | combat | weakens your enemy with a frigid grasp |
bless | benedictions | bestows divine favor upon the target |
cure blindness | curative | restores sight to the blind |
faerie fire | weather | surrounds the target in a glowing aura |
burning hands | combat | sends a blast of fire into your foe |
continual light | creation | creates an eternal light source |
refresh | enhancement, healing | restores vigor to a tired adventurer |
cause serious | harmful | inflicts wounds on a foe |
cure serious | healing | heals wounds |
create water | creation | fills any available container with water |
protection evil | protective | provides defense from the attacks of evil creatures |
protection good | protective | protects from the attacks of good beings |
create food | creation | produces a nourishing mushroom |
shocking grasp | combat | sends a powerful jolt into a foe |
earthquake | attack | brings the power of earth to bear against your foes |
cure disease | curative | heals the plague |
blindness | maladictions | strikes the target blind |
lightning bolt | combat, weather | sends forth a single bolt of lightning into an enemy |
floating disc | creation | creates a floating disc of force perfect for hauling treasure |
cure poison | curative | removes the harmful effects of poison |
infravision | enhancement | allows monsters to be seen in the dark |
weaken | maladictions | drains the strength of the target |
fireproof | enchantment, protective | shields items from the harmful effects of fire and acid |
cause critical | harmful | causes major damage to the target |
cure critical | healing | closes all but the worst wounds |
calm | beguiling, benedictions | if successful, stops all fighting in the room |
colour spray | combat | blasts your opponent with a rainbow spray, which may blind him |
create spring | creation | calls forth a small but pure spring from the ground |
giant strength | enhancement | grants increased strength |
dispel evil | attack | torments evil foes |
dispel good | attack | calls down unholy power on good creatures |
poison | maladictions | weaker than plague, but often fatal |
remove curse | benedictions | removes malevolent magic from players and items |
curse | maladictions | prevents recalling and weakens the target in combat |
fly | transportation | allows the target to fly over nearly all obstacles |
summon | transportation | transports the target to the caster |
control weather | weather | changes the weather in the manner desired by the caster |
call lightning | weather | summons a huge bolt from the heavens, if the weather is right |
heat metal | attack | heats metal equipment to searing tempatures (sic) |
energy drain | maladictions | drains experience and mana, while strengthening the caster |
create rose | creation | creates a beautiful red rose |
faerie fog | weather | reveals all hidden creatures in the room |
frenzy | benedictions | puts the recipient into beserker rage |
fireball | combat | a powerful spell, great for burning your enemy to ashes |
plague | maladictions | causes the target to suffer a slow, painful death from plague |
flamestrike | attack | sends a column of flame from the heavens |
harm | harmful | the most deadly harmful spell |
gate | transportation | transports the caster to the target |
haste | enhancement | doubles the speed of the target, but slows down healing |
heal | healing | the most powerful healing spell |
dispel magic | protective | removes spells from enemies, not as effective as cancel |
sanctuary | protective | reduces all damage taken by the recipient in half |
word of recall | transportation | transports the caster to safety in Midgaard |
acid blast | combat | sends forth a stream of acid to eradicate your foes |
slow | maladictions | slows your enemies down, reducing their rate of attack |
cancellation | protective | a powerful dispel, used for removing spells from friends |
chain lightning | combat | sends lightning bolts arcing through foes |
teleport | transportation | sends the target to a random location |
pass door | transportation | allows the caster to walk through walls |
shield | protective | puts a shimmering shield between you and your enemies |
portal | transportation | creates a one-way portal to a destination |
holy word | benedictions | aids your allies while calling divine wrath upon your foes |
demonfire | attack | a powerful, but very evil, spell |
stone skin | protective | turns skin hard as stone, providing a huge armor boost |
nexus | transportation | forms a two-way portal to a far off destination |
mass healing | healing | casts a heal spell on each player in the room |
ray of truth | attack | sends forth a blinding ray of holy energy |
Grouping | ||
First Header | Second Header | Third Header |
Content | Long Cell | |
Content | Cell | Cell |
New section | More | Data |
And more | With an escaped '\|' |
Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 | Header 4 | Header 5 |
Row 1 Content Cell 1 | Row 1 Content Cell 2 | Row 1 Content Cell 3 | Row 1 Content Cell 4 | Row 1 Content Cell 5 |
Row 2 Content Cell 1 | Row 2 Content Cell 2 | Row 2 Content Cell 3 has way more text in it so it makes the whooole column way, waaaaaaaaaaay wider | Row 2 Content Cell 4 has a little less than that | Row 2 Content Cell 5 |
(Apparently HTML tables even have a caption
tag? And there's a caption-side
CSS property? What's with that? Oh, and a colgroup
and col
tag for styling, that's neato)
This is where I start getting distracted
Reviews are in:
It's a website!
Thank you very much.
Definitely a website. I like how it can
nest blockquotes,
like this,
that's pretty neat in my book.
Love to hear it.
+ Help
- I am stuck in a code block factory
I appreciate your feedback.
I don't have link previews for stuff.
But if I did, I'd expect to be able to disable them like this:
Ooh the markdown parser uses that as an alternate shorthand for hyperlinks huh
How about a custom anchor point? I can jump back to it with this link.
Here's a picture:
Please enjoy.
Lastly, I'd like to check something[1] neat [2].
At this point I'm just tossing in every plugin for the markdown parser I think looks neat. There's even one for GitHub-style notes and warnings:
Useful information that users should know, even when skimming content.
Helpful advice for doing things better or more easily.
Key information users need to know to achieve their goal.
Urgent info that needs immediate user attention to avoid problems.
Advises about risks or negative outcomes of certain actions.
Surely I can *escape* *stuff* too.
And mark things, and use 'breves.
Note to self: make the little arrows for these an open/closed eye
Closed by default
Click me!
Hidden by default
Open by default
Click me!
Shown by default
Closed by default, nested
Click me!
Hidden by default
Shown by default
Open by default, nested
Click me!
Shown by default
Inner hidden text
Woah I never knew HTML had tags like this:
You can do cool annotations with these...
There's a semantic tag for sample output from a computer program, specifically.
Not to be confused with the semantic tag for computer code.
Or the semantic tag for Ctrl+C Keyboard inputs.
Note to self: look into image maps, esp. regarding keyboard/tab navigation and screen readers.
EDIT: ok ok they DO have tab navigation, do NOT have arrow key navigation, and you can/should put alt text in for screen readers.
Tag for small.
There's one for big, too. But it's deprecated.
Audio player with controls (and mouseover alt text for accessibility):
The var tag lets you do letters all like N * a + b = x
Wait those are literally just rendered as italics... I guess it's more a semantic tag than anything else...
Wowie wait, what is this
Native dropdowns... that's crazy, I never knew.
There's even a track
tag for video subtitles... with attributes for language selection and everything.
Formatting dates like .
Wait, that doesn't format the timestamp, that just associates some time with some text for...? Screen readers...? Machine processing...? Huh.And that's it, I think!
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